Montevertine Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2024

Those lucky enough to taste Montevertine’s rare olive oil will note its clear green hue, distinct olive taste and slightly spicy notes. The estate’s proprietor Martino Manetti attests to the durability of his olive oils, often dipping into past vintages to gauge their delightful ability to mature. This is the type of olive oil to truly savor, especially considering in some years there is no production at all. We are thrilled to present the 2024 vintage, which is particularly wonderful when used while preparing small game … pheasant, rabbit and the like.
Vintage: 2024, 500ml
Sergio Manetti acquired Montevertine in 1967 as a vacation home for his family. Once there, he planted two hectares of vineyards and built a small cantina with the idea of producing some wine for family and friends. The first vintage produced and bottled under his supervision in 1971 was received with great praise for its quality. Shortly thereafter, he abandoned his principal activity to devote himself to producing wine at his magnificent estate.
Montevertine is now in the hands of Martino Manetti, son of Sergio, who remains dedicated to the style and philosophy of his forebears. The seamless transition from father to son, so critical to maintaining Montevertine’s tradition of excellence is now safely assured.
Montevertine is situated in the heart of the Chianti district about halfway between Florence and Siena, specifically 3 kilometers or so south of Radda in Chianti. Documents attest to the fact that the hilltop hamlet of Montevertine was first inhabited in the 11th century as a rural defensive fortress. There are traces of the original construction on the site today.