Confiture Parisienne



Laura and Nadege met at their daughters' school. Though initiated by thier kids, the pair's friendship was sealed by the realization that they both were completely and utterly obsessed with food. One summer, after spending countless snack times discussing which markets had best produce, swapping recipes and discussing upcoming dinners, the pair set out with a great idea: a jam of their own. They made their way to Nadege's parents' house, just outside of Paris, and began to cook in the small backyard kitchen. Their daily trips continued until they perfected their preserves. Intent on sourcing the highest quality fruits from Paris and surrounding farms, they knew they wanted jam that was low in sugar, packed with flavor and had the power to draw parents and kids alike to the table. With creative flavors like Carrot Passionfruit Vanilla and Strawberry Tomato Basil, breakfast with the only jam makers in Paris is cause for le petit fete. Confiture Parisienne's laboratoire is located in the historic Bastille district. Under the careful eye of executive chef Aline Vincent, each jam is cooked in a small copper cauldron and every jar is filled by hand. Depending on the day, enchanting aromas of tropical fruit, delicate spices or fresh herbs fill the combination production kitchen/public tasting room. It's easy to enjoy the French way of life with every spoonful of these luxurious preserves. 


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