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Inspired by a creation first enjoyed at a boutique hotel in Aix-en-Provence, this recipe is a true staple at the Mad Rose Ranch. 

For one (for more just multiply the ingredients listed by the required factor): crack two or three fresh eggs (buy local and buy fresh … nothing like an egg fresh from the coop laid by a hen that forages or is fed delicious food scraps from a good kitchen … that’s the life my chickens lead!) in a small bowl; add a good extra virgin olive oil like those from Armato or Bea or Il Censo to the cracked eggs and whisk together. I use olive oil instead of milk because it makes a lighter, fluffier scrambled egg and, in this instance, we will add the dairy component through the goat cheese). Before heating the pan, lightly oil the pan with the same olive oil and use your fingers to spread the oil so it coats the pan but is not dense; this avoids the egg sticking to the pan as it cooks but doesn’t change the egg/oil balance already created and makes washing up afterwards considerably easier; then, as the eggs cook, stir regularly with a fork to keep them scrambled so the mix doesn’t turn into an omelet instead (nothing wrong with an omelet but we want scrambled eggs, don’t we?); as the eggs come together add several fingers-full of a good, young goat cheese that crumbles easily and spread throughout the mixture; keeping all on a low heat so the cheese has time to slightly melt into the eggs before the eggs are done; then, take several teaspoonsful of one of the Bianco honeys (again, choose on the basis of the taste profile you are seeking at that moment … I like a slightly fruitier honey like the citrus blossom or clementine and the acacia works well with everything); swirl the honey into the eggs and goat cheese and serve, perhaps with some cracked pepper and sea salt but neither is really necessary as you have the honey flavoring the dish.

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