Carnaroli White Rice

Carnaroli White Rice
Carnaroli White Rice

In many ways, cooking risotto is a perfect allegory for Italian food. It needs few ingredients, but each must be of the highest quality. It is heavy on technique and requires the cook to stay present, mentally and physically. Finally, it holds at once a paradox, requiring the dish to be soft and creamy while each individual grain remains al-dente. This exceptional Carnaroli rice from the Pochettino family in the north of Italy will help you achieve that incredible alchemy that makes risotto the ultimate confort food. 

1 kilo/ 35 oz package.

Rice has always been one of the symbols of agricultural Piedmont, but few people know that at the gates of Turin, in a single field of 120 hectares, there is a rice farm of reference. Riso San Raffaelle is a family-run business where the love for the countryside blends with the passion and experience handed down for three generations, living in symbiosis with this unique territory. 


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